Exercise and ED

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I personally workout nearly daily doing primarily IWT - Interval Weight Trainings with a lot of bodyweight exercises. Being in my late 40's (48) I firmly believe that being FIT is the primary goal of exercising. And with a high intensity training this goal is reach easily in a limited time. I personally believe that the increased bloodflow in my body during the workouts also benefits my erections especially when I do some PWOD - Penis Workouts Of the Day after my time in the gym or on our Echo Bike.

Regarding the following topic in the article I can say from personal experience that this sex drive primarily is associated with the people in my surrounding when working out; when they are attractive my sex drive is high and visa versa.

"Research has also looked into the impact of exercise on male sex drive. One study found that regular, higher levels of chronic intense exercise and regular, greater duration of endurance training were associated with a lower sex drive in men"

Hope you enjoyed me sharing this article with you. 


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